Health Insurance: San Joaquin County provides full-time employees and part-time employees eligible for benefits with a choice of three health plans: a Kaiser Plan, a Select Plan, and a Premier Plan. Employees pay a portion of the cost of the premiums. Dependent coverage is available for all plans.
Dental Insurance: The County provides employees with a choice of two dental plans: Delta Dental and United Health Care-Select Managed Care Direct Compensation Plan. There is no cost for employee only coverage in either plan; dependent coverage is available at the employee’s expense.
Vision Insurance: The County provides vision coverage through Vision Service Plan (VSP). There is no cost for employee only coverage; dependent coverage is available at the employee’s expense.
For more detailed information on the County’s benefits program, visit our website at under Human Resources/Benefits.
Life Insurance: The County provides eligible employees with life insurance coverage as follows:
1 but less than 3 years of continuous service: $1,000
3 but less than 5 years of continuous service: $3,000
5 but less than 10 years of continuous service: $5,000
10 years of continuous service or more: $10,000
Employees may purchase additional term life insurance up to a maximum of $200,000 at the group rate.
125 Flexible Benefits Plan: This is a voluntary program that allows employees to use pre-tax dollars to pay for health-related expenses that are not paid by a medical, dental or vision plan (Health Flexible Spending Account $2550 annual limit with a $500 carry over); and dependent care costs (Dependent Care Assistance Plan $5000 annual limit).
Retirement Plan: Employees of the County are covered by the County Retirement Act of 1937. Please visit the San Joaquin County Employees’ Retirement Association (SJCERA) at for more information. NOTE: If you are receiving a retirement allowance from another California county covered by the County Employees’ Retirement Act of 1937 or from any governmental agency covered by the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS), you are advised to contact the Retirement Officer of the Retirement Plan from which you retired to determine what effect employment in San Joaquin County would have on your retirement allowance.
Deferred Compensation: The County maintains a deferred compensation plan under Section 457 of the IRS code. You may annually contribute $22,500 or 100% of your includible compensation, whichever is less. Individuals age 50 or older may contribute to their plan, up to $30,000. The Roth IRA (after tax) is also now available.
Vacation: Maximum earned vacation is 15 days each year up to 10 years; 20 days after 10 years; and 23 days after 20 years. Accrual rate is prorated for part-time employees eligible for benefits.
Holiday: 14 paid holidays per year.
Educational Leave: Each fiscal year, department heads grant 40 hours to full-time employees or 24 hours to part-time employees eligible for benefits of educational leave that are not carried beyond the end of the fiscal year.
Sick Leave: 12 working days of sick leave annually with unlimited accumulation. Sick leave incentive: An employee is eligible to receive eight hours administrative leave if the leave balance equals at least one-half of the cumulative amount that the employee is eligible to accrue. The employee must also be on payroll during the entire calendar year.
Bereavement Leave: 3 days of paid leave for the death of an immediate family member, 2 additional days of accrued leave for death of employee’s spouse, domestic partner, parent or child.
Merit Salary Increase: New employees will receive the starting salary, which is the first step of the salary range. After employees serve 52 weeks (2080 hours) on each step of the range (1840 hours for part-time employees), they are eligible for a merit increase to the next step.
Standby Pay: Employees designated by appointing authority to be in standby status is compensated at 33.33% of their regular hourly rate.
Educational Supplement: Any bargaining unit nurse who meets at least one of the following criteria will receive an Educational Supplement equal to 5% of their base salary:
License/Certificate Fees: The County provides reimbursement for specific classifications under the CNA MOU for fees required to renew State required license/certification. Fees associated with initial license/certification will not be covered.
Pre-Employment Physical Exam: If required, will be conducted at San Joaquin County General Hospital at no cost to the employee.
Job Sharing: Any regular, permanent full-time employee may agree to job-share a position, subject to approval by a Department Head and the Director of Human Resources.
Educational Reimbursement Program: The County offers an Educational Reimbursement Program. Eligible employees (civil service and part-time eligible for benefits) may be reimbursed for career-related course work taken on the employee’s own time up to $850 per fiscal year; an employee enrolled in an approved degree program may be reimbursed up to $800 per semester for a maximum of $1600 per fiscal year per fiscal year.
Parking Supplemental Downtown Stockton: The County contributes up to $17 per pay period for employees who pay for parking and are assigned to work in the Downtown Core Area.
School Activities: Employees may take up to 40 hours per year, but not more than eight (8) hours per month, to participate in their children’s school activities.
Applicants who meet the minimum qualifications will go through the following examination process:
Note: The rating of 70 referred to may be the same or other than an arithmetic 70% of the total possible points.
Testing Accommodation: Candidates who require testing accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) must call Human Resources Division at (209) 468-3370 prior to the examination date.
Veteran’s Points: Eligible veterans, unmarried widows and widowers of veterans of the United States Armed Forces who have been honorably discharged and who have served during wartime shall be given veteran’s points in initial appointment to County service. Eligible veterans receive 5 points and eligible disabled veterans receive 10 points. Disabled veterans must submit a recent award letter stating a 10% service connected disability issued by the United States Veterans Administration. Note: A copy of your DD214 showing the discharge type must be received in the Human Resources by the date of the examination.
Acceptable wartime service dates:
September 16, 1940 to December 31, 1946
June 27, 1950 to January 31, 1955
August 5, 1964 to May 7, 1975
Persian Gulf War, August 2, 1990, through a date to be set by law or Presidential Proclamation.
Eligible Lists: Candidates who pass the examination will be placed on an eligible list for that classification. Eligible lists are effective for nine months, but may be extended by the Human Resources Director for a period which shall not exceed a total of three years from the date established.
Certification/Referral: Names from the eligible list will be referred to the hiring department by the following methods.
Physical Exam: Some classifications require physical examinations. Final appointment cannot be made until the eligible has passed the physical examination. The County pays for physical examinations administered in its medical facilities.
Pre-Employment Drug Screening Exam: Some classifications require a new employee successfully pass a pre-employment drug screen as a condition of employment. Final appointment cannot be made until the eligible has passed the drug screen. The County pays for the initial drug screen.
Employment of Relatives: Applicants who are relatives of employees in a department within the 3rd degree of relationship, (parent, child, grand parent, grand child or sibling) either by blood or marriage, may not be appointed, promoted, transferred into or within the department when;
They are related to the Appointing Authority or
The employment would result in one of them supervising the work of the other.
Department Head may establish additional limitations on the hiring of relatives by departmental rule.
Proof of Eligibility: If you are offered a job you will be required to provide proof of U.S. citizenship or other documents that establish your eligibility to be employed in the U.S.
Apply Online:
By mail or in person:
San Joaquin County Human Resources
44 N. San Joaquin Street Suite 330
Stockton, CA 95202
Office hours:
Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; excluding holidays.
Phone: (209) 468-3370
Job Line:
For current employment opportunities please call our 24-hour job line at (209) 468-3377.
When a final filing date is indicated, applications must be filed with the Human Resources Division before 5:00 p.m. or postmarked by the final filing date. Resumes will not be accepted in lieu of an application. Applications sent through county inter-office mail, which are not received by the final filing date, will not be accepted. (The County assumes no responsibility for mailed applications which are not received by the Human Resources Division).
San Joaquin County Substance Abuse Policy: San Joaquin County has adopted a Substance Abuse Policy in compliance with the Federal Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988. This policy is enforced by all San Joaquin County Departments and applies to all San Joaquin County employees.
Equal Opportunity Employer: San Joaquin County is an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Employer and is committed to providing equal employment to all without regard to age, ancestry, color, creed, marital status, medical condition, national origin, physical or mental disability, political affiliation or belief, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. For more information go to