School Nurse (WSHSCA/WMS)

Weldon City Schools
Weldon, North Carolina, United States




Position Description Summary

To plan, implement, coordinate and evaluate a comprehensive school health program as regulated by the Nurse Practice Act and position statement through the North Carolina School Nurse Association.



Primary Purpose of Position:

Provide an Elementary School and High School in Weldon City Schools with health services.  In each school, the school nurse: 

  • Identifies the health care needs based on specific student populations and availability of health services
  • Plans and implements services to meet those health care needs.
  • Assesses and evaluates the effectiveness of the services and health care plans.
  • Collaborates with a wide variety of school system and professional disciplines to enhance the educational process and the promotion of an optimal level of wellness for students, families and staff.



  • Registered Nurse with current license in North Carolina
  • Baccalaureate degree, BSN preferred
  • National School Nurse Certification required within three years after hire date


Professional Growth:

Participates in educational activities and assumes personal responsibility to keep informed of current changes and trends affecting school nursing practice and medical management.


Work Schedule:  10 month employee


Salary:  Based on years of nursing experience in school health, public health and other


Supervision Received by Employee:

The school nurse functions independently without on-site supervision under state and agency guidelines and policies.  Work is self-directed and clinically autonomous.  The school nurse implements services and exercises independent professional clinical judgment without direct supervision.  Supervision is provided through periodic team meetings, individual conferences with a clinical supervisor or designated school official, review of records and reports, as well as regular telephone contact with regional school nurse consultant.                                          





 I. Health Services Program Coordinator


  1. Coordinates and participates in establishing, reviewing and implementing school health policies. 
  1. Assures that policies and procedures adhere to legal and regulatory statutes and ethical standards of nursing practice. 
  1. Assesses, plans and evaluates the health services component of the school health program. 
  1. Monitors and participates in the investigation of disease outbreaks within each school. 
  1. Serves an health care consultant for school personnel, students and parents. 
  1. Provides professional health leadership to school staff and administrators. 
  1. Coordinates quality assurance activities for the School Health Program. 
  1. Assures that appropriate documentation of school health activities is recorded. 
  1. Documents, compiles, and analyzes program data for required reports. 
  1. Offers direction to school health aides/assistants, volunteers andor students assigned to the School Health Program. 
  1. Trains staff and supervises the administration of medication to students. 
  1. Assists school(s) in setting up guidelines, procedures and training for first aid/CPR or First Responder Program. 
  1. Participates in development and implementation of school's emergency and crisis plans. 
  1. Oversees the implementation of communicable disease control in the school setting.



 II.  Implements Nursing Care Plans for students with chronic health conditions and those needing health services


  1. Identifies special health care needs of students. 
  1. Develops an emergency action plan (EAP) for those students who have potential for a medical crisis at school or school functions. 
  1. Develops an individualized health care plan (IHP) for students who need/have invasive procedures performed during the school day as well as other students who may require adaptation of their learning environment or classroom schedule. 
  1. Offers Nursing Supervision for students who have complex health needs. 
  1. Participates as a member of the IEP Team when needed. 
  1. Participates in the planning and development of accommodation plans for Section 504-eligible students. 
  1. Defines what constitutes nursing practice and what tasks/care may be delegated to unlicensed persons and provides training in performance of those tasks. 
  1. Supervises and conducts on-going appraisals of delegated staff in safely and effectively performing health care tasks and procedures. 
  1. Provides specific in-service training to teachers and school staff regarding chronic diseases. 
  1. Serves as a health resource for students with chronic illness, as well as for their families    and the school staff. 
  1. Provides health appraisals of students with identified or suspected health problems in the school setting. 
  1. Initiates referrals and follows-up with students with identified or suspected health problems. 
  1. Provides for emergency care in the event of serious illness or injury if on the school campus.  Provides telephone consultation at all times. 
  1. Coordinates screening programs and and immunizations, Kindergarten Health Assessments (KHA's) in each school.



  III.  Collaborator/Advocate


  1. Collaborate with other student services team members to prevent health problems from becoming reasons for educational or social failure. 
  1. Makes need of students known to school, family and community when appropriate. 
  1. Collaborates with community agencies to provide resources for students and families. 
  1. Supports family in finding and using treatment services. 
  1. Seeks out local and other resources for use in the school setting. 
  1. Supports the development and on-going function of the School Health Advisory Council. 
  1. Confers with school personnel to interpret mandates, recommendations and latest trends in health care. 
  1. Serves as liaison between the school and the local health service agencies.



IV. Educator for School and Community Concerns 


  1. Participates with other school personnel to develop workshops for teachers, assistants  and other staff on health related topics. 
  1. Conducts in-service training programs on health issues. 
  1. Develops guidelines for teachers and school staff members enabling them to make appropriate referrals for additional health services. 
  1. Provides classroom health instruction to augment the existing teaching staff in achieving the school's health education goals. 
  1. Assists in development and implementation of health promotion activities.



 V. Counselor for Health Concerns of Students, Family and Staff


  1. Provides health counseling for students and parents to maximize classroom participation. 
  1. Interprets student's health needs to school personnel and families and facilitates understanding and adjustment to changes and limitations. 
  1. Develops and/or facilitates health-oriented support groups. 
  1. Promotes the health of individuals, families and communities through education and
